This Direct Link Will Be Available For Your Ip Next 8 Hours

Just enter the email address that you created your account with and an email will be sent to that address containing a link to reset your password. Note: Changing your No-IP account password will effect any running update clients except for the new 3.x version of the Windows client. Below is a list of the major databases that track blacklisted IP addresses — look at the list now and you'll see there are no checkmarks next to the database names. Check Your IP Address. Your IP address has been auto-filled in the box below. Click the 'blacklist check' next to it and you'll then see checkmarks on the list.

Safety First & Safety Always

Above all things, the Nextlink team prays you and your family are staying well in this unprecedented time. We urge all to follow the CDC’s guidelines to stay safe. Nextlink is adjusting to the current circumstances that all of us are facing in this health event and have enacted extensive internal plans to mitigate risk throughout our organization and with our interactions with subscribers while also maintaining our focus and commitment to our subscribers as best as possible.

If you have interacted with our team in recent days and weeks, you have experienced our team members’ dedication and diligence to serving our communities during a difficult time. None of this is lost on us and we are taking extra precautions to ensure our team members’ safety and well-being wherever possible. So please bear with us if we may require limited and distanced interaction in any visits to a subscriber’s home.


As we are substantially providing support services with staff working remotely at this time, we are operating with reductions in our normal efficiency in support of our customers. We thank you in advance for your patience as it may take longer to connect with us or receive a response to your emails and online tickets.

It has probably not been lost on anyone that with the current conditions that internet usage has skyrocketed across society. We are working diligently seven days a week and 24 hours a day to ensure the best possible experience. We are experiencing congestion in certain areas and have field crews working on towers at this time and through each night to upgrade equipment during this time of record internet usage. We continue to stay extremely committed to providing the best possible quality of service and customer service experience.

God bless and please stay safe!

Bill Baker, CEO and Owner

For faster service :

Please submit all new sign-up requests below.

For existing customers looking to increase their speeds, please click here.

With everyone working from home, remote learning for students and an increase in the number of users in your households, you may not be able to perform remote learning or video conferencing for students and work-at-home situations on your current rate plan. For those customers using our 5mbps(retired plan), 10Mbps or 15Mbps download plans (these are typical for social media, streaming music, general web browsing and a single video stream on the 15Mbps plan) we strongly recommend the following as a minimum for – Streaming movies, we recommend at least the Next15, and for gaming, we recommend having at least the Next25. Keep in mind the more users in your house doing any one of these activities will diminish other users’ capability to simultaneously do the same and we have our 35Mbps, 50Mbps & 100Mbps download speeds for homes with more users and devices.

Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBBP)
To better serve those impacted economically impacted by pandemic-related income issues or perhaps you simply have a fixed income, Nextlink Internet is excited to offer to those who qualify up to $50 off your monthly rate plan and a computing device (one per household) for a one-time $50 charge. Learn more about the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBBP).

Nextlink is an internet service provider using Fixed Wireless & Fiber Optic technology to deliver voice
and data services to the under-served commercial, small business, residential, education, healthcare and public sector markets.

Customer-First Mentality

We connect people to the world with the friendliest sales and support staff who are dedicated to the highest quality of Customer Care. They take pride in what they do, and it shows in the loyalty of our valued customers.

Lightning-Fast Speeds

Our internet packages offer speeds from 10MB to 10GB+ to fit the needs of any home or business.

24/7 Service Monitoring

We offer 24/7 service monitoring and customer service to keep your internet running optimally.

Ask your sales representative about DISH for Free Installation as early as tomorrow. Click here for more information on Dish Offers