Failed To Check Out License Hfss Desktop


Newbie level 1
  1. Failed To Check Out License 'hfss_desktop'
  2. Failed To Check Out License Hfss_desktop

My problem was solved. If you have this problem,also,you have to do following steps: if your installation is not work,you sure that you have to do '4' and '5' steps only. 1- sure that your installation steps are true. 2- copy/paste 'license file' to 'admin' folder in your installation path. 3- copy/paste 'patch' and 'Ansoftfix. When you attempt to use a node-locked license key for an IBM Rational product through Terminal Server, you get Flexnet errors -103 and -15. This might also happen on a Remote Desktop client. Do not have access to license server through the specified port, please contact your IT department. If there is a firewall (for detailed info check 7.4 of the licensing help guide) i. Make sure certain ports (1055 2325 by default) can pass through it ii. Make sure ANSYS license manager firewall exceptions for license.

Failed To Check Out License 'hfss_desktop'

Aug 11, 2008
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Failed To Check Out License Hfss_desktop

Hello Everyone;
I'm currently running HFSS v13 using transient network analysis. The simulation runs with only 1 processor. If I select or type more than 1 processor using HPC pack or HPC it displays;
Failed to check out license 'hfsshpc_pack'.
License server does not support this license (FLEXlm Error -18)
Failed to check out license 'hfsshpc'.
License server does not support this license (FLEXlm Error -18)
Does this mean that it requires an additional license for that purpose??
Thanks everyone that could help.